These words ran through Kasim’s mind like irritating recordings as he trudged along behind Ryan and Christine. Emery walked beside him and the newcomer, Parker, trailed behind them.
Is this even real, God? Kasim replied every time in answer to his nagging thoughts.
The horrors from the night before flashed before his eyes...there had been so much more that what he had revealed to the others. He dared not speak of what he did not know, nor of what had struck such terror in his heart.
The island was a spiritual habitation, perhaps a portal to hell. He had heard of such things, believed them to be true...but now, after perhaps an encounter with such a virtual reality, he did not know if he was capable of handling such craziness. Not after last night.
Whatever it was the island was of a nature dark and sinister. And though, like the others, the mystery of how they arrived made no sense, it was real. With literally no memory of how such a transfer had occurred, Kasim was frustrated beyond reason. Yet, despite this, he found himself strangely at peace.
Yes, he was on an island. Never the less, God was still in control, and this situation would be used for a purpose in his life.
Only God, if I am to die, let me know why and what for? He prayed silently.
After what he’d seen, Kasim could not help this train of thought...they all might die.
Glancing towards the sky Kasim shielded his eyes from the sun’s glare. Clear blue...no clouds. There not been a cloud since dawn. Kasim lowered his gaze feeling Emery curiously following his example.
“No clouds,” he said out loud to reassure her.
Odd behavior could alarm any one at this point.
Emery nodded,” It’s surreal.”
“You think?” Kasim smiled, the girl’s dark eyes were haunting, and strangely disturbing.
Sad, perhaps; even bitter.
Emery lips twisted into an ironical grin. She opened her lips to reply, only to be interrupted by a shout from Ryan. They both glanced up. He was pointing towards something ahead of them. It was off shore. Kasim saw a cliff jutting out into the ocean’s waves.
“It’s boat!” Ryan explained as they hurried forward,” See just below those rocks.”
“It is a wrecked boat,” Christine corrected him. Everyone could see the jutting holes in the boat’s white stern and bow. A small pleasure cruiser, Kasim surmised.
“Well, let’s check it out,” Parker said suddenly, walking ahead of everyone.
He turned, obviously sensing they were staring at him.
“What?” he raised his hands in puzzlement.
Kasim felt Ryan shrug beside him and reply,” Nothing, come on.”
Kasim knew they’d felt it, everyone, accept Parker; the electrical sense of warning.
Reaching the water’s edge, Ryan and Parker plunged in ahead of Kasim and the girls. Kasim could now see the boat was lying on its side, hull splintered. The round glass windows were shattered, every single one. The water was deep in this alcove. Ryan went under unexpectedly, which gave every one a start, but he came up laughing.
Kasim swam towards the bow. It was facing the sea. Kasim found that odd, normally a ship crashed head first. Gripping a jutting piece of the hull, he hauled himself up onto the tilting deck. He could now see the words,” The Spirit,” painted across the side. The letters were pale blue. Ryan was already at the stern, pulling Emery up beside him.
“Look for the ship’s log,” he said, taking charge once more. Kasim found the guy’s strong personality could not help this attribute.
Kasim didn’t mind, Parker glared sulkily, no doubt wishing he had said it instead.
Christine was staring through the shattered windows with an absent gaze.
The door to the main cabin was on Kasim’s end of the boat. Fingering the jammed latch, Kasim muttered in frustration. Stepping back he kicked the door inward.
A comfortable, though molding lounge, met his eyes. Water was nearly half a foot at the lower end. Hanging onto the wall for support, Kasim eased his way inside. Christine and Parker followed.
“It stinks,” Christine observed, wrinkling her nose.
“It’s been here a while,” Kasim grunted. He glanced around and noticed a stairway leading deeper inside.
A scuffling sound, told him Ryan was forcing his way into the captain’s bridge at the front of the cruiser. A quick estimation told him the boat was nearly a hundred feet in length.
“Parker, why don’t you two check these cabinets? We could use food if there is anything.”
“All right,” Parker gave Christine a hand, helping her inside. Continuing on, Kasim splashed through the water as he stumbled towards the stairs. A cold mustiness, tangled with the aroma of salt water tickled his nose.
Wishing for a flashlight, he placed one foot gingerly on the first step.
The scout discovered the five young strangers two hours after dawn.
They had found the cruiser.
Pale eyes squinted through black binoculars; peeling lips twisted into a sardonic frown.
Guilty fools.
So the Great Brother had delivered the antidote like promised.
Children of the gods...unstained by real evil.
That would change...and very soon.
Christine gagged in disgust as over-ripe cheese met her nose, mingled with that of rotting bread. She slammed the cupboard shut and turned away holding her nose.
Parker glanced across the room balancing a can of beans in one hand
“Jack pot over here.”
Christine frowned, climbing her way around to where he stood.
“I’m feeling watched or something,” she shivered, as a cold breeze blew in from the broken windows and doorframe.
Parker turned around, eyes skimming over her body.
He’d been doing that for the past hour. Christine felt like slapping him. Instead she glared and grabbed the can from his hand.
“How many are there?” she asked.
“Twenty or so,” Parker replied.
Ryan and Emery’s voices could be heard through the thin wall as he spoke. Christine could not understand what they said, but the tone was excited.
Then, suddenly, from the depths of the ship, Kasim let out a cry of alarm.
Fear froze Christine’s heart. Parker dropped the cans he was holding and stumbled to the top of the stairs.
“Kasim!” he shouted.
Christine could hear Emery and Ryan scrambling to reach her side of the deck.
Kasim’s voice carried upward,” I’m all right. I found the captain’s body...”
Parker let out a sigh of relief and glanced over at Christine with an appealing smile. Ryan and Emery appeared, just in time to hear Kasim’s answer.
“And we found the captain’s log,” Ryan said, holding up the object in his hand.
“...there are more bodies down here,” Kasim’s voice echoed up to them.
Christine’s feet shifted uneasily in the shallow water.
Parker hesitated, glancing back at the others. Christine guessed he felt slightly squeamish about plunging down into the dark hold of the ship. She didn’t blame him.
Christine turned to Ryan who was already pulling himself along the side of the ship to get to the stairs. He had left the log in Emery’s hands.
“Christine look for a flashlight,” he said coming up behind Parker.
Christine, clinging to the wall, quickly searched through the cupboards, as Ryan shouted back down to Kasim.
“Stay there, I’m coming down!”
“There’s nothing Ryan,” she shrugged.
“Ok,” he squeezed around Parker and disappeared down the steps. Curious noises followed; a lot of splashing and grunts.
If Christine’s fright had not outweighed her curiosity she would have joined the two young men. But she had no desire to see dead bodies. As it was she stood trembling in the cold water, sharing glances with Emery and Parker as the seconds ticked away.
The lighting was dim, as Ryan sloshed down into the knee deep water at the bottom of the ship.
“Where are you Kasim?” he asked, noticing the patches of light streaming in from several portholes that were above the water line.
Despite his brave rush down the stairs he had no desire to encounter a floating body without warning. No doubt that was what had happened to Kasim.
“Right, here,” he felt Kasim’s hand touch his arm. Even still Ryan jumped.
“It’s a horrible, sight. I would warn you not to look,” Kasim cautioned. Ryan could see the young man’s eyes now as his own adjusted to the dark.
“But I found something, maybe you should see.”
Kasim pulled Ryan farther away from the stairs, near one of the portholes where they both could see.
“I don’t want the others to hear...look,” he handed something to Ryan,” It was sticking out of the captain’s front pocket.”
Ryan glanced down at what felt like paper and stared for moment, unable to answer.
It was a picture of Parker...water stained, but obviously the pretty English boy.
“What...how...?” he eyes shot back up to Kasim.
“Exactly...how did a picture of that fellow up there, get on this boat? I thought he was one of us,” Kasim shrugged,” maybe he can’t honestly remember. Perhaps we all got here on this boat, but still I do wonder. Do you think we should show it to him?”
Dark suspicion immediately crept in to Ryan’s heart.
He shook his head,” No...let’s wait and watch him. Did you find anything else?”
Distractedly he stuffed the picture into his jeans.
Kasim shook his head and motioned towards the corner of the room, which was a small stateroom; doorways led in either direction to adjoining bedrooms.
“What of the others bodies?” Ryan asked peering around Kasim. He could just see the outline of several dim forms floating in the shallow water.
“Two women and a man,” Kasim’s lips tightened,” Their faces were marred beyond recognition.”
Ryan muttered a curse under his breath,” The water did not bring them back to life...strange?”
Kasim stared out the window thoughtful concentration covering his dark face.
“Perhaps the water can only heal those dying, not those already dead.”
Ryan glanced around the ship,” Maybe...”
It made sense...in a crazy way.
Kasim sighed,” All four including the captain have gun and knife wounds to their neck and body. I think they were already dead, before the ship crashed.
Ryan had no evidence to refute this statement.
Kasim continued,” If so these bodies are several days old. If we were on this ship, or if Parker was, both would have had to been out for quite a while.”
“This raises a lot more questions,” Ryan crossed his arms, growing angry,” We should search this ship from top to bottom. Any clues could help.”
Kasim nodded, appearing to agree.
“But this is enough for now. I found the log book and some papers. Let’s go back up, and take a look at those,” Ryan was nearly gagging at the stench. His head was also spinning, again nothing was making sense.
“All right, let’s not tell the girls about the picture either,” Kasim suggested,” For now...”
Ryan agreed and they hurried back up the stairs.