About Me

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Abilene, Texas, United States
This is the blog where I post my short stories and bits and pieces of novels that are in the works. Family and close friends are always asking me what I write...so here you go!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Hero...

(During worship one sunday morning a couple weeks ago God gave me this scene that has run over and over in my mind for days now...)

The wounds were deep and gushing blood. Agony was beginning to blind the strength of my sight; in my weakness the sword slipped from my sweaty palms. I fell to my knees on the trampled battlefield, weeping in anguish and despair. I was giving up.

The enemy was nearly upon me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, taste the sulfuric aroma of his deathly presence. Surrounding me the battle was raging, the sound of its violence, deafening. Every warrior was hotly engaged and the pain-riddled wails of the dying pierced my spirit with every cry. It heightened my own rising fears, as the enemy drew closer.

I refused to look behind, but closed my eyes as a terrible pressure filled my shaking chest. It was only a matter of seconds.

Then a voice screamed my name. I don't know how I could even hear it through all the noise, yet I did. My eyes flew open. I knew Who it was. Hope raced through my heart. And I saw Him, bursting out of raging mass of warriors He came. There was no mistaking the white horse or the rider who sat in the saddle. I had not even cried out for rescue, yet He was still coming, at breakneck speed across the battlefield.

The hope that surged through me also heightened the awareness of the pain that held my body in a vice-like grip. I struggled to reach for my sword once more. Behind me the breath of the enemy was growing hotter.

I begin weeping bitterly, for I was sure I would die before the horse and Rider would reach me. I sank back once more, closing my eyes against what I thought was final reality. I had never felt so alone in my life, so rejected, even as the horse's galloping hooves shook the earth under me.

I was nearly sick with the putrid stench of death. It was sinking in on every side, wrapping me in its cloak. Cold, hard, bitter fingers brushed me back. Then the voice shouted me name again, and it was so surprisingly near my eyes opened once more, even as a rush of wind blew over my head. I heard a strangled growl and immediately the coldness receded, the hard touch disappeared and the stench was gone. I still did not look behind me as only one thing filled my vision.

The horse and Rider standing above me. His eyes were blazing from the heat rage of battle. They locked with mine and immediately softened into tender pools of mercy. I had heard the cry of His heart when He screamed my name, I knew His only thought at the moment was me. The intensity of it made me weep, yet the urgency of the hour cause His first words, to neither calm my tears nor softened my fears.

"Grab Your sword," He said, reaching one hand down to me.

I didn't know if I had enough strength to respond, yet one hand managed to grip the weapon's hilt buried in the dirt, and the other grasped His fingers. At the touch, His hand tightened around mine. At His touch, within seconds, my body filled with warmth, spilling out through my hand and arm, straight to my heart. I didn't have to look to know my wounds were healing within themselves. I was still covered in blood.

He pulled me into the saddle behind Him, with little effort. One of my arm slipped around Him, as I buried my wet face into His back, inhaling the familiar scent of His presence. I was safe, secure, strong once more...

"Take me away from here," I whispered.

There was a pause before He answered," It is not time yet," he replied," We going back into the battle."

My heart skipped a beat, fear pricking my mind once again. I thought of all the possible dangers going back into the battle would bring. I didn't want to fight anymore, I just wanted rest and peace.

"I can't," I confessed, holding tighter to Him. I wanted to be with Him, for always, like He promised. Yet, even here with Him now, the threat of battle made it seem as though He could be taken from me. The thought was frightening. Glancing up I saw the battle was moving away from us. We could easily turn back, escape, return to the battle on another day...we could return to His fortress where there was safety and peace.

Reading my thoughts He spoke," Do not fear, I am with You," He squeezed my hand holding Him," Stay with me."

He was asking, not telling me too. I realized then that I could easily slip off the horse, and now healed of my wounds, find my way back the fortress. But to do that, I would have to do it alone. No matter what I decided He was returning to the battle. I would lose something if I left Him now. I would lose everything...

"I will go where You go," I said softly in His ear, even though my voice shook.

To be without Him in battle or out of battle was too great a loss. He wanted me with Him, and realizing this I could never jump off the white horse.

I felt a deep chuckle ripple through His chest at my words. At the sound my fears melted.

"Make your sword ready," he said, laughter subsiding.

Only a slight tremble ran through my body as I raised the sword a little higher, gripping it tightly.

The dark horizon was blacker than it had been before, the battle was no better, but staring over His shoulder into the horror, I felt peace and rest wash over me. His presence was enough. I didn't have to be in a fortress to be secure. His touch was enough. His warmth.

The horse then lunged forward, carrying us both back into that darkness.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vagabond Revolutionary Reformers: Those Who Awaken the Dead

This is the first part to a research paper I wrote during my senior year in high school...

Revolution & Reformation

1. What is a Revolutionary Reformer?

When people see the word "revolution", it immediately reminds them of other words such as "rebellion", "insurrection" or even "mutiny". These assumptions are fully understandable when you look up “revolution” in the dictionary and note its fellow synonyms. Something just doesn’t seem to ring right. When I write "revolution" I intend the very word to revolutionize itself, shaking off the chains of false identity and stepping into the shoes it was meant to wear all along, a revolution that is a reformation.

Revolutionary is something characterized by, or resulting in, a radical change. Completely original or new and disruptive of the old.

Revolution is and can be new and original but only because what it brings back to life has been forgotten, erased and left for dead. What was old is what took over what is now new again, and here is where reformation comes in. Reform means "to improve, as by alteration, correction of error, or abolition of abuses and malpractices. To abolish. To cause to abandon irresponsible or immoral practices."

Revolution awakens and breathes life; reformation convicts and transforms.

The very core idea of revolution is the eruption of everything you know, to the belief in something you don’t know. What does that sound like? New birth in Christ, right? Salvation is a revolution, but who is willing to let it also reform them?

In Isaiah 55:8-9 God’s words revolutionize and astound our feeble minds with this mysterious statement, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as high as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways." Man thinks he understands but he doesn’t, and that in itself, is revolutionary.

2. Evidence of a Revolutionary

Every thought, action, and word in this world only stems from another thought, action or word. Even those who are thought to be the greatest thinkers, leaders and spokesmen of all time, were those influenced by other’s thoughts, actions and words.

God is influenced by no one. His thoughts, actions and words are His own.

Great men and women, over the span of history, have instigated world-wide unity or war of every kind whether it be mental, spiritual and physical.These revolutions were, of course, very radical to whatever time period they disrupted, in whatever extreme you would like to choose, and all erupted both popularity and criticism. Many were long, slow and gradual, while others were powerful and quick. But most of all they were life changing!

God’s revolution is also life changing! The question is, which ones are positive and which are negative? How do we understand the difference? First of all, positive revolutions are only those that line up with the word of God and are guided by the Holy Spirit. If revolution is controlled by the individual’s assumption that his way is the divine way, then it is an entirely corrupt revolution that can only rot away the mind and heart with deception. Who is man for him to know what is true and just? Only God can judge.

A revolution has nothing to do with man at all, only his willingness to become involved, his readiness to be changed, and his acknowledgment that the way things are must be taken away so the new can become reality.

Secondly, a positive revolution stands for the truth, not the truth as defined by man, but as defined by God. " You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."(John 8:32)

Biblical truth sets people free, which is the purpose of a revolution. If the captives and those in slavery, whether it is slavery of the mind or the body, are not set free, then there has been no positive revolution at all.

A negative revolution exalts man, not God, and seeks to destroy the most precious gift that man possesses and this is his heart.

3. Knowledge of Good & Evil

"The heart is more deceitful than all else and desperately sick; who can understand?" (Jeremiah17:9).

The heart is deceitful and sick Jeremiah says. And indeed it is. As you look back on the history of mankind and see where the world is today, you know the heart has the most deadly disease of all, the love for itself.

In II Timothy 3, Paul speaks of such a disease," For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."

That’s a long horrible list!

All these things stem from "men will be lovers of self", which brings us to the most important statement at the end, “rather than lovers of God." Not only is the heart desperately sick, but it is also deceitful. This deceit lies most heavily in the church because that is where it is taught. This twisted mindset is "how much can God love us?” rather than “how much are we willing to love God?" Of course, God loves us because that is who He is and God cannot be anything but Himself. The point is...He loves us so we will love Him.

But love has lost its meaning, trampled in the wake of our own adventure to find it. Love is denying oneself. Love is death. This is the love God gave when He killed his son. This love is the love He longs for us to return. Why else did He create us?

"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23).

Out of your heart flows the springs of life. Wait a minute! How can a deceitful and sick heart flow forth springs of life? Love does it! Deceit fades in the face of true love and disease has no ground to grow. In its place flows the springs of life, the secrets of the universe, the love of God, Christ himself. Now what has this got to do with revolutions and reformations?


to be continued...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die Discover that I had not lived.” ~ Dead Poets Society ~

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Absolute favorite quoted scene from the movie Nickolas Nickleby (a Dickens tale)...

Nickolas: My life collapsed like a house of sticks the day my father died. I clung to my mother and sister, then Smike and Noggs...hoping, waiting, for I knew not what. I knew not what until that day, when I opened my eyes and the darkness was replaced with the sight of your face. It was the island towards which I had been sailing, unguided, my whole life, the dream my father had promised me before I could even imagine its existence. I have been happy for times, little times, since he died...but never at peace. Not until I looked at your face...and saw the universe in order behind it.

Madeline: Nickolas...I feel you know what it’s like to be without happiness. But do you know what it’s like to be afraid of it? To see the world as so conniving, you cannot take pleasure in the appearance of something good...because you suspect...it is only a painted drop behind which other troubles lie. That has been my life. Every good thing has been a trick. Until you. Yet I am afraid to take your hand. What if you cannot or will not save me? I can bear to maltreated by the greedy or the weak, but to be let down by an angel...

Nickolas: I am not an angel. I live as far from that lofty perch as any man. My temper alone, my impatience...well, perhaps I should not list all my faults in case I am too persuasive. You are the one who is so admirably able and strong.

Madeline: I am tired of being strong.

Nickolas: As am I. Weakness is tiring, but strength is exhausting. You see, I cannot save you...for I need saving too.

Madeline: What are you proposing?

Nickolas: Only this. That we save ourselves together.

(Nickolas leans and kisses Madeline)

Madeline: Nickolas, please. Think of the others. People might see.

Nickolas: I don’t care.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Sword - Chapter Two

The valley was a vast paradise of lush green forests, towering mountains set against a backdrop of translucent blue sky and rolling meadows. The meadows themselves were overflowing with brilliant flowers, imbued with colorful hues that pulsated and danced in a dizzying rhythm to the gentle spring wind. Rivers, streams and lakes flowed with sparkling clearness, and without a doubt the power in these waters sang with every breath, for they were the most abundant source of water left on elder-earth, the most potent with the gift of healing. Everything that is known for beauty and excellence grew in abundance within this valley, its splendor increased a hundredfold. Elvendor knew neither winter nor autumn not even summer…only eternal spring, in its most glorious apex. Stretching from the river Avone towards the white beaches of the east sea, and from the mountains of Elmair to the borders of the Alassar, Elvendor spanned a vast array of land, spotted with quaint villages, painting the view in picturesque perfection. In the very center stood a high steep hill, and from that hill a tumbling waterfall spouted forth, dashing over rocks and boulders to a tranquil, quiet lake beneath. Built up, around and through it was the vast city of the Château Bordeaux. Its white marble walls, built on three levels, tiered one above the other. The highest built above the waterfall, overlooked the entire valley. Fruitful vines, twisting trunks of slivery trees and meandering creepers blooming with profuse flowers, enveloped the magnificent edifice’s turrets, towers and balconies that jutted skyward above the rambling structure. An aroma sweet and thick filled the air, circling the pounding waterfall’s mist in hazy fumes.

On the highest level of the of city, above the waterfall sat a great courtyard surrounded by many gardens, its halls without ceilings, open to the sky and the only shade that of the fruit trees that grew scattered across this level of the city. The Chateau that gave the city its name was a rambling structure that encircled the courtyard and gardens in a thin square. High turrets and balustrades rose up from these walls, the highest in the city and here Elmonte the Wise lived, ruler of the fair people of this valley and the guardian of the Waters of Healing. The wisest and most honorable men in the world met in this courtyard under Elmonte’s instruction and watchful eye and listened to his knowledge and were refreshed. Here also, those broken in body and spirit, traveled from every corner of the earth to receive restoration from the power of the waters and be given a new life of knowledge.

To those who knew of this place, or to others who had heard of such a place, it was a paradise on earth, a place evil had never touched, an Elysium of peace and rest, but to others…they knew better than that…and for one girl it was the end of her dreams and the death of her heart.

Early morning had just brushed its gentle fingertips across the valley, quiet with the laziness of morning. Birds softly twittered in the trees and the lithe shadowed forms of deer glided through edges of the forests. The villages were peaceful and calm, their inhabitants just stirring in preparation of breakfast and the first bathing. In Bordeaux, the last fading notes of the morning trumpet were dancing away on the breeze.

But at the top of the city, in the Courtyard of Elmonte everything was not calm and tranquil. The slim and feminine form of a young woman could be seen rushing at a headlong pace through the immense maze of halls and smaller courtyards within. Her stride was angry and her flashing blue eyes were filled with tears that she frantically wiped away as she ran. Her feet were barefoot, as were everyone’s who live in Bordeaux, and she was clothed in a flowing white dress, girded at her waist with sliver belt and her long golden hair flew behind her like a mantle of sunbeams.

Suddenly she came to an abrupt halt at the observation veranda just above the edge of the waterfall.

Sucking in her breath, both from her run and her extreme emotion, Hahira Nyssa Anaheim gazed down below. She hardly saw the magnificent fountain of water spraying out below her feet. Every nerve within her was taut with emotion, every thought anguished and heated.

It wasn’t true! It couldn’t be! I would feel it in my heart if it was so, she thought frantically. It is not possibly logically for him to be alive… but he is not dead!

Her father’s words only moments before flamed her pale cheeks even brighter.

“Sol has brought some devastating news my daughter,” Elmonte said, eyeing her tenderly and almost sorrowfully,” Ariel has disappeared into the desert.”

Hahira had glanced from Sol, a broad-shouldered youth, who stood to one side in her father’s private courtyard back to her father before her, alarm spreading across her features.

“What are you saying, father?”

Elmonte dropped his gaze to look at his hands for a moment,” He was supposed to regain contact six months ago.”

Elmonte fell silent shaking his great head, gray eyes sad, almost regretful.

“There has been no word.”

Hahira shook her head, denying what she knew her father was trying to tell her,” I don’t understand.”

“It was very foolish of him, Hahira. Everyone knows that those who enter the desert never come back alive.”

Hahira swallowed hard,” Not Ariel, father.”

Elmonte stretched out a closed fist towards her.

“He is dead, Hahira. Sol found this at the edge of the forest one month ago.”

Hahira’s eyes widened in horror as her father open his hand revealing a delicate golden pendant necklace. Only one person in the entire world wore one like that…Ariel.

Hahira took it shakily from his hand, cradling it in her own, fighting back tears.

She glanced up at her father,” This is not evidence that he is dead. He could have lost it.”

“It was his most valuable possession. Do you think he would have parted so easily with it?”

Hahira pressed the necklace to her chest, eyes suddenly flashing.

“Would you give up on him so easily, father? He was like a son to you.”

Elmonte bowed his silver head in undisguised grief.

“I wish it were not so, but I know in my heart it is.”

“Well I don’t!” Hahira stated emphatically, slightly raising her voice,” He is not dead, I refuse to believe it!”

Turning on her heel, sobbing, she had fled their presence, blindly seeking solitude until she had found herself here, above the waterfall.

For a moment she was confused why her steps had led her here, then suddenly she knew…and a face she was beginning to believe, despite her brave words to her father, she would never see again, flashed before Hahira like a vision. His laughing blue eyes, and flashing smile, sent an aching stab of pain through her gut. Hahira closed her eyes letting the memories wash over her like tidal wave…the waterfall…evening sunset…Ariel…


"Don’t Ariel, please, you’ll break your neck,” thirty-year-old Hahira pleaded, stepping backward as if that would draw the young, bare-chested youth away from the top of the waterfall. The evening rays of the sun glinted off his gold-chestnut hair, which just brushed his shoulders, bound back by a single leather thong away from his forehead. A delicate golden necklace swung from his neck.

“The water will catch me, Hahira,” he explained calmly gazing down below him, his eyes wild with excitement.

“How do you know,” she questioned, anxiously,” No one’s ever done it before?”

“Well now someone will,” he said, giving her wink and raising his arms to dive.

“Wait!” she hollered,” This is crazy, I wasn’t really serious. It was just a dare.”

“Too late now,” he replied and jumped, sending her into a hysteria of screaming as she rushed forward to stop him. Far below Hahira saw his slim body diving in a graceful arc and split the waters of the lake. She held her breath, frightened to death that he was dead.

Suddenly a dark wet head popped up, flinging water everywhere and laughing in delight. Ariel turned his face upwards towards her and shouted,” That was breathtaking! It feels like you’re really alive!”

“Ariel Galloway, you frightened the wits out of me!” she shouted back, relieved to see him living but angry.

“You need to do it!” was his reply.

Horrified, Hahira, stepped back,” No!”

“It’s quite safe, see!” Ariel shouted splashing water about him.

“No its not, it’s a miracle you’re alive! Fate won’t be so kind a second time!,” she hollered at him.

“Don’t you trust me?” he questioned.

“No!” she shouted back.

“You know you do! Jump!” he replied.

“No I don’t!”

“I’ll tell you my secret,” he said.

That silenced her for a moment. Hahira had been trying for a week to find out what his secret was. A secret he continued to flauntingly taunt her with.

“You don’t have a secret!” she threw at him.

“Oh, yes I do!” he shouted forcefully.

“You promise?” she queried, creeping closer to the edge. Perhaps it really was thrilling…suspended in nothing but air.

“I promise…I’ll even catch you!” a grin split his gleaming wet face in an ivory smile.

“No you won’t! I’ll knock the wind out of you at this distance!” she shook her golden head.

“You won’t know unless you try!” he shouted,” Trust me!”

Hahira took a deep breath, gazing down at the calm waters and at the churning fountain beneath her feet.

This was absolutely insane…but suddenly everything within her wanted to jump, because she did desperately want to know Ariel’s secret. Closing her eyes she did just that, feet first.

Adrenaline rushed to her head, as only air met her body. Hahira didn’t dare open her eyes, but she felt the mist of the waterfall fly past her and heard the pounding beneath roar louder. She was too frightened to scream and too thrilled all at once to know what to do. Her body hit the water with a loud splash and Hahira went under, the water enveloping her with it’s electrifying chills…it felt wonderful. Instead of going straight down, like she expected, the minute her head went under, the water flipped her body up and she went shooting towards the surface. She came up gasping, eyes open and laughing gaily…Ariel was swimming beside her, laughing also, his head thrown back; eyes dancing.

“You didn’t catch me!” she accused splashing him.

He laughed, splashing her back,” “What did I tell you? Wasn’t that exhilarating?”

She giggled and splashed him playfully,” What’s the secret?”

His only answer was to dive under and swim away.

“You liar!” she shouted dismayed, before ducking under after him. He led her on a merry chase through the waters, the healing waters of the Great Lake, waters that sent shock waves of delight through your body and mind with every drop.

Almost a little drunk with so much pleasure, Hahira was pleased when Ariel finally stopped swimming like dolphin and crawled up on the rocks near the waters edge, just below the walls of the first level of the city. Gardens sprawled on all sides, vines of flowers creeping along the rocks, searching for the waters edge. Apple orchards threw dark shadows of shade with the approach of evening.

She followed, her aqua dress wet and dripping, clinging to her with every step. Ariel reached down and gave her a hand. He helped her climb higher until they gained some rocks halfway up the waterfall, where the sun’s rays were still shining so they could dry.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, Ariel?” Hahira declared as he flopped down on his back across the rock. A mysterious grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. She sat down beside him, spreading her drenched skirt across her knees.

He only laughed, his bare chest shaking with mirth.

Hahira, unexpectedly felt her face flush with heat. What was she thinking sitting out here alone with this boy, who had no shirt on? Her mother would be scandalized.

She turned her face away, looking towards the western sky, which was growing red with the setting of the sun.

His laughter ceased and she felt him sit up beside her.

“What’s the secret?” she queried, trying to distract her other thoughts.

He said nothing, but she felt his hand creep over hers.

“You.” He said shortly as if that explained it all.

“Me, what?” she asked, feeling unsure of why her head had suddenly gone light-headed.

“You are the secret,” he said quietly.

“How can I be a secret?” she queried, confused

His voice was so low and quiet, she barely heard the answer,” Because you have captured my heart.”

She turned her head, heart pounding, only to find his face inches away. His eyes said everything, she didn’t need to guess further.

He bent and kissed her softly, lips lingering and then pulled away, a chuckle reverberating deep in his chest. Hahira knew better than to say anything, words weren’t needed. She dropped her gaze as Ariel released her hand and pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her waist. Hahira rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. They sat the entire evening that way, not a word said, as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon and the stars popped out one by one…


Hahira opened her eyes, tears streaming down her face, the present came crashing back around her with startling clarity. She could still feel Ariel’s arms around her and the tender touch of his kiss…she could hear the love in his voice and remembered his last words four years ago when he had said goodbye.

I’ll be come back for you, Hahira. I swear it…if I have to move heaven and earth to do it I will. One day you will be mine..

Releasing her clenched fists, Hahira let the necklace fall into her lap. She believed him then, with her whole heart she had…and she did now. Fingering the tiny pendent gently she gazed down at it with curiosity. It was in the shape of a shield, round at the top and square at the bottom. A sword was engraved at its center, entwined with the graceful vine of a mighty rose.

He’d never explained to her why he wore it and she had never asked. But now she wished she had. What secret was there about this boy who had claimed her heart? Who was he?

Ariel had come to this valley with several knights when he was thirty, six years ago, and had lived among them for almost two years. Elmonte told her he was in Elvendor to study the histories of the earth and to be tutored under her father of the Law, the set of rules that governed all the People. The answer had sufficed then, but now…she wasn’t so sure. Once she’d caught Ariel staring towards the north fingering this medallion, tears in his blue eyes. He’d quickly wiped them away when he realized she was there and pretended nothing was wrong and she’d believed him, letting it slip away in her memory. But now she realized it was strange and unnatural. Sorrow was a real thing here in this valley, everyone knew that, but what she had seen in Ariel’s eyes was much more, it was like a part of him wasn’t even there, almost as if his gut was been wrenched out of him and was aching to be made whole. There had been a longing there, deeper than sorrow, more poignant than joy, as if he was being pierced through. What was it?

With effort Hahira swallowed her tears and picked up the necklace to put around her own neck and that was when she saw the letters engraved on the back of the shield.

She gasped and drew it close to read the small words

Withering flower fades, but its seed bears life thrice over. Broken helm was shattered, yet renewed it wields terrible power.

Puzzled Hahira ran the words over and over in her mind. What could they mean? Why were they on the back of this pendant? A funny tingling danced through her belly, almost like excitement or expectancy.

What in the world was that for? She questioned herself, pressing one hand against her waist, to silence the fluttering. Bewildered Hahira lifted the necklace and clasped it around her slender neck. Until its owner returned to claim it she would make herself its keeper…if only to keep her belief alive that he was alive.

Footsteps came towards her left and Hahira stood up, startled. She turned towards the sound.

It was Halfred, her guardian, a powerful hulk of man around his one-hundredth & eleventh year. Since the day of her birth he’d sworn to protect and defend her…even to the death. Faithful, like a loyal dog, he shadowed her every move. But he was more than a dog, much, much more. To Hahira, Halfred was her confidant and closest friend, a rock of security and comfort. Next to Ariel, he knew her better than anyone, even her own mother, Alassia.

As he approached her, his usually impassive face was contorted with concern, which was evident also in his quick lumbering stride…he normally walked slowly and evenly.

“I thought I might find you here,” he said, a small frown tugging his weathered, aging face.

Hahira groped for the right words.

“Father had visitor today.”

“I know, I’ve already talked to Elmonte. I’m sorry, I know you cared for him greatly.”

Hahira set her jaw, defiantly, eyes flashing,” He’s not dead!”

She stomped past him, picking up her skirts, but Halfred grabbed her arm, halting her in mid-step.

She tossed her head, daring him with her eyes. Most servants weren’t allowed to touch their mistresses with such familiarity, but Halfred had long ago passed the bonds of such restraint, towards Hahira and all of her family. He was a father, uncle and elder brother rolled into one.

“Why do you say that?”

Hahira dropped her eyes,” because if he was dead, I would feel it, know it deep within me.”

She paused gazing off towards the walls of the city and the forest,” I don’t feel it and I know he is alive.”

Halfred’s grip on her arm relaxed and dropped altogether, he bent his graying head, observing her sharply.

“If that’s what you believe, than so do I.”

Hahira looked up at him, eyes suddenly shining with tears, several trickling down her pale cheeks.

“Thank you, Halfred.”

He reached up his big hand and wiped away the tears with his thumb, and gazed down at her with gentle brown eyes.

“You know I would go find him if you just said the word.”

Hahira’s lower lip trembled.

“I know, but he promised to come back and I believe him. We just must wait.”

Halfred nodded understanding.

For a moment Hahira turned her gaze back out over the city and then turning on her heel she made her way down the stone walk and without a word Halfred followed.


Something stiff, but soft brushed her face and Vickie grunted rolling away from it. She knew was waking up from a deep sleep, and faintly realized she was lying on powdery sand. For several long moments she didn’t care nor bothered to wonder why.

Then a voice spoke, not audibly, but in her head, yet it wasn’t her own thoughts, because she recognized it as unfamiliar voice.

“Awake, awake, my daughter!”

Vickie’s eyes flew open, as anyone’s would do with something as strange as that, and what she saw made her wake up so abruptly and so suddenly that she jumped to her feet in fright and screamed. A huge, monstrous eagle had been standing over her, his golden eyes glittering with an intensity that had frightened her more than his overpowering presence. She hurriedly backed away, tripping over own feet and falling on her backside. First the huge mountain lion and then this eagle; where were all these animals coming from? Just knowing this thing was going to eat her, she screamed again kicking sand in its face.

“Do not be frightened!”

She swung around frantically trying to find who was speaking. No one but the eagle was in sight. He extended his wing towards her; brushing her face…Vickie recognized the feeling from what had first wakened her.

“Leave me alone,” she cried out, trembling.

“Do not be frightened,” the voice repeated,” I have been sent to give you a message.”

Vickie, disbelieving but having no other evidence before her, decided the voice must be coming from the eagle.

She straightened and stared up at his sharp hooked beak, apprehensively,” Why should I trust you? You’re big enough to eat me if you wanted.”

“But I do not want to eat little girls.”

Now she knew for sure it was the eagle that the voice belonged to. With a suffocating feeling, like when you are trapped in small place with no way out, Vickie realized she was no longer in the friendly woods of Colorado, just up the hill from her house. This was another world! Like Narnia or Middle-earth…only she wasn’t reading a book she was living it. She just stared in mute shock up into the eagle’s golden eyes…which did not seem as vicious as they had moments before.

“Where-where am I?” she ventured to ask, her voice faltering.

“You are in the valley of Elvendor, in the southern of kingdom of Elder-earth.”

“Really?” Vickie queried in disbelief, then sarcastically asked,” And who are you?”

The eagle stepped towards her and to Vickie’s surprise his beak moved as he spoke,” I am Rion, counselor to Lord Elmonte.”

Vickie had no idea who lord what-ever-his-name was, but she suspected he was important. The eagle spoke his name with great respect. Brushing the sand from her dress she pushed herself to her feet and glanced around. For the first time she realized that she and the eagle were standing on a high riverbank overlooking a great river, more clear and clean than she had ever seen before. A vast forest lay directly behind them, with tall towering trees and open space underneath, lit by patches of sunlight from above. Across the river was another forest, exactly like the other. Returning her gaze back to Rion, the eagle, she pursed her lips in thought, obviously this other world was real, unless she was dreaming…but no, this was not a dream. But still logic continued to argue hotly against her five senses. Who ever heard of such things?

“So how did you find me?” she asked.

“I was told you were coming?” the eagle replied shortly.

Vickie shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about it.

“Who would know I was coming? The last thing I remember I was in drowning in a creek and now I wake up and I find myself here. Can you explain that?”

“It is not for me to explain, only obey. I was told I would find you here by the river and here I have found you. Now I will give you the message I was given to tell.”

Twisting his noble head high, his white neck feathers ruffling slightly in the wind he began to speak,” You are Vickie St. John, daughter of Light, handmaiden of Darien. Tomorrow is always a new day, and tomorrow you will find your heart. Look towards the sunset and do not fear. Stand firm and look for the red and the gold that is hidden and you will discover the love of the ages.”

Vickie wanted to laugh loudly, but she didn’t, instead she giggled,” That doesn’t make any sense, Rion. I know better than to believe in such nonsense.”

“Nonsense!” the eagle’s voice rose and his golden eyes suddenly did glitter fiercely, but then they faded and he calmly continued,” Darien will not be mocked, young woman. You are here because of him and he does not fail in his choice of servants. You will understand even this riddle before long.”

Not silenced yet Vickie replied,” I do not know this Darien. Is he like the king or something?”

The eagle shook his head sadly,” I’ve never questioned before, but now I wonder. Not know Darien and yet he sends you as his servant?” he continued to shake his head,” I see I have weary job ahead of me.”

Vickie thought he was a rather weary looking bird anyway, but decided to keep her mouth shut. Obviously she didn’t know a thing that was going on, which scared Vickie, though she tried to hide it. And where was Daniel? Had he found himself here as well in, what had Rion called it…Elder-earth.

“Come,” the eagle motioned with his wing,” ride on my back and I will take you to the Chateau Bordeaux .”

Vickie shook her head. She had a terrible fear of heights.

“No, I-I don’t want to.”

The eagle squawked in impatience,” I must take you to the chateau. You’re hungry are you not?”

Reluctantly Vickie nodded her head in agreement. Her stomach was rumbling.

“I thought so. At the chateau there is food, clothing,” he eyed her school dress suspiciously,” and soft beds and even water for a bath.”

Vickie began giving way,” How far is this chateau?”

“So many questions,” Rion croaked this time in exasperation,” just over this forest. Not far at all.”

“What is this Chateau Bordeaux?”

She grinned, knowing she was getting on this big bird’s nerves.

He squawked again,” It’s the home of Lord Elmonte and the citadel of the Great Waterfall.”

“Very well,” she huffed walking towards him,” How do I get on your back?”

“Gently please,” the bird said,” I do not enjoy loosing feathers. I’ll bend down and you hop up.”

He did so and with some frightening slipping and sliding along his sleek feathers, Vickie managed to haul herself up. She sank into the feathers like they were a soft feather bed. It’s lovely, she thought.

“Hold on tight,” he warned as he lifted his wings. Vickie felt no sudden jolt or abrupt lift, but the ground dropped suddenly away, river, forest and sand. It stole her breath and made her stomach flop and she gripped the feathers around her in fright. Vickie squeezed her eyes shut and prepared for a long journey, wishing she’d never agreed.


Hahira was brushing her long golden curls absently with her fingers and staring vacantly out through her window to surrounding city below when the knock came on her door.

“Come in,” she said without turning around. She heard the door open and footsteps. A man cleared his throat as if to request an audience. Hahira turned and seeing Halfred, smiled tenderly and stepped towards him her hands outstretched.

“I was hoping it was you,” she greeted warmly.

He took her hands, squeezed them and bowed his head in respect.

“I have been sent by Rion,” he explained.

Hahira rolled her eyes,” What does the old bird want this time?”

Halfred cleared his throat again uneasily,” I’m afraid it’s a bit complicated. I think I should bring you to see it.”

Despite her own gloom, which had foreshadowed anything else since early that morning, Hahira couldn’t help being curious.

“What do you mean?”

“If your ladyship would be so kind as to accompany me, I’ll explain all.”

“Very well, you intrigue me.”

Halfred turned on his heel and led the way down the hall and through the many rooms of the large chateau until the he stopped at one just above the gate that led to the second level of the city.

“She is in here,” he hinted, shoving open the door so Hahira could enter before him.

Hahira stepped in and looked about as he followed her. She recognized the comfortably furnished room as an observation post that looked out over the gates into the lake and misty waterfall. Soft couches, elegant draperies and silk cushions adorned the room. Awkward contraptions for gazing at the stars and far away mountains stood peeping through the wide bay windows, supported by metal frames. At first she saw no one, but then movement caught her eye and near one of the wide windows, nearly hidden by the drapes, stood a young girl, several years younger than herself. She was dressed in a strange brightly patterned dress that shockingly revealed her bare white ankles and over that she wore a very short jacket. Her hair was long, straight and a light brown, her skin a bit fair, very much like Hahira’s own. And she was very small and petite. Her big brown eyes were wide with open admiration and wonder as she gazed at Hahira. She shyly clasped her hands behind her back. Hahira glanced at Halfred for the promised explanation.

“Well Halfred what is this all about?”

“Rion found her by the river. She was all alone, bewildered and lost. She doesn’t seem to have family or relatives or anyone. Knowing of her ladyship’s kindness and compassion for the orphans he brought her here.”

Hahira turned back towards the slender girl and stepped towards her, arms opened wide,” Oh, my dear, I am so sorry.”

She took Vickie hands in her own,” What is your name?”

“Vickie,” the girl replied, and then she added,” I’m not an orphan.”

Hahira frowned and threw a glance towards Halfred, waiting with his big arms crossed at the door.

“The poor thing seems to be half out of her mind, my lady. She keeps saying she’s from another world and swears she came here through the river.”

Hahira wrapped an arm around the girl’s thin shoulders.

“You must be so tired and scared, my dear. Why don’t we get you cleaned up and into fresh clothes and find you some food.”

Vickie nodded, but couldn’t help saying,” Rion believed what I said.”

Hahira half-laughed, her voice tinkling like bells,” I’m sure he did. He’s a prophet Vickie, and they’re always strange.”

Vickie didn’t reply, but couldn’t help stiffening in anger that these two extraordinary, medieval looking people refuse to believe her story. Rion had warned her they would, before he brought her here to Halfred. Just humor them, my girl, their eyes are only half open to the truth. One day they will see all. Vickie, after spending almost an hour on the great eagle’s back had grown use to the strange way he talked, but she wished someone besides a bird believed who she was, instead of thinking of her as half-starved waif and orphan. She of course hadn’t believed it at first either, but with every passing hour she remained in this odd world Vickie had no other choice.

Hahira took her hand gently and led her out, ringing for servants as she did. The huge man, Halfred, disappeared and Vickie had no time to wonder as she was whisked away to a steaming, sudsy bath, which she couldn’t help enjoying, despite the disgusted way the elegantly dress maidservants clucked over her outlandish robes, as they put it. They discarded both the dress and jacket with apparent dislike. They were quite dirty and smelly, Vickie had to admit; a mixture of river water, musty sand and an eagle. Then came the new dress, a gorgeous pale green silk, that fell to her feet, just brushing the floor, and drew up to her waist very gracefully into many folds, tucks and seams. Creamy white ribbons, tied in dainty bows fell from a high princess waist, delighting Vickie’s girlish soul. Then two the maids set her down and brushed her wet hair until gleamed like satin. Meanwhile Hahira herself brought food and set it before Vickie on a small table.

“Really my lady, you’re treating me like a princess,” Vickie protested.

“Nonsense, child,” Hahira fussed, dismissing the maids when they had finished their task. She seated herself beside Vickie urging her to eat.

Vickie was famished, but she was also very curious and a little in awe of this beautiful young woman who had so swiftly taken her, a stranger, under her wing. Now that the activity around her had quieted, Vickie eyed her secretly while she ate, not failing to also appreciate the succulent, ripe fruit she had been given and then finely roasted meats and tangy cheeses.

Hahira was quite a bit taller than Vickie, who was rather short any way for her age, but she carried herself with noble dignity and such strong strength, that Vickie would have imagined her much older if she hadn’t given the girl a closer look. Hahira’s long golden hair flowed freely over her slim, straight shoulders. Her face was creamy and smooth and her eyes a startling sapphire blue. She wore a pure white simple dress, tapered around the waist and falling in elegant folds to her ankles. Her feet were bare, a fact which Vickie noted, was the way of all the women she had seen thus far, but Hahira had them properly tucked under her long skirt. A golden pendent swung around her neck, glinting with the mid-afternoon’s sun that shone through the open windows.

She was talking again, her full pink lips, flashing a white smile here and there.

“You must not fear of want again, my child. My father will most gladly take you into his household as he has many others, at least until we can found out who you are. Do you remember how you came to find yourself in this valley?”

Vickie nodded,” The river brought me, or at least I think.”

“Right, you already told me that,” Hahira bit her lip, gazing at the girl compassionately and patiently,” What about before that, do you remember anything.”

“Oh, yes of course,” Vickie popped a grape in her mouth,” I was with Danny. We had been walking in the woods, going home, when a huge lion attacked and chased us into a mountain stream. That’s when I fell in and I-I think I blacked-out,” Vickie shrugged,” When I woke up Rion was standing over me. Freaked me out something awful.”

Hahira nodded, a little bewildered by the small girl’s odd words, such as blacked-out and freaked, but she replied,” This Danny, the friend you speak of, do you think he is here also in this valley?”

Vickie shook her head and looked away from Hahira,” No—no I don’t think so. I—I don’t know where he is.”

Hahira wrapped a tender arm around the girl,” It’s all right, we’ll find him.”

Vickie raised a trembling face to the Hahira, the food forgotten,” Everything is just so sudden, my lady, I don’t know where I am, I don’t know anyone here, except you and Rion of course, and I—I’m not even sure I could get back to my family.”

”Oh, of course you can my dear…but enough of that for now. You are exhausted I can see that. No more talk until morning. Finish eating and then lay down right here on this couch. I’ll see to it that no one disturbs you.”

Rising, very gracefully, she smoothed Vickie’s hair and then left, softly closing the door behind her. Quickly, on her bare feet she ran to her mother’s room to tell her of this strange little girl and ask her what they should do. The poor thing was terrible befuddled and confused. So focused was she on this young girl’s plight, she failed to realized that her troubled thoughts of Ariel had slipped away in her zeal to care and serve another.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prince Caspian is almost here!

I cannot wait until this movie comes out! I'm so excited, so I just have to post an insert from the book here. I love C.S. Lewis!


"Aslan, Aslan. Dear Aslan," sobbed Lucy."At last."

The great beast rolled over on his side so that Lucy fell, half sitting and half lying between his front paws. He bent forward and just touched her nose with his tongue. His warm breath came all around her. She gazed up into a large wise face.

"Welcome, child," he said.

"Aslan," said Lucy," you're bigger."

"That is because you are older, little one," answered he.

"Not because you are?"

"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."

For a time she was so happy that she did not want to speak. But Aslan spoke.

"Lucy," he said," we must not lie here long. You have work in hand, and much time has been lost today."

"Yes, wasn't it a shame?" said Lucy," I saw you all right. They wouldn't believe me. They're all so-"

From somewhere deep inside Aslan's body there came the faintest suggestion of a growl.

"I'm sorry," said Lucy, who understood some of his moods," I didn't mean to start slanging others. But it wasn't my fault anyway, was it?"

Aslan looked straight into her eyes.

"Oh, Aslan," said Lucy," You don't mean that it was? How could I - I couldn't have left the others and come up to you alone, how could I? Don't look at me like that...oh well, I suppose I could. Yes, and it wouldn't have been alone, I know, not if I was with you. But what would have been the good?"

Aslan said nothing.

"You mean," said Lucy rather faintly," that it would have turned out all right - somehow? But how? Please, Aslan! Am I not to know?"

"To know what would have happened, child?" said Aslan," No. Nobody is ever told that."

"Oh dear," said Lucy.

"But anyone can find out what will happen," said Aslan," If you go back to the others now, and wake them up; and tell them you have seen me again; and that you must all get up at once and follow me - what will happen? There is only one way of finding out."

"Do you mean that is what you want me to do?" gasped Lucy.

"Yes, little one," said Aslan.

"Will the others see you too?" asked Lucy.

"Certainly not at first," said Aslan," Later on, it depends."

"But they won't believe me!" said Lucy.

"It doesn't matter," said Aslan.

"Oh dear, oh dear," said Lucy," And I was so pleased at finding you again. And I thought you'd let me stay. And I thought you'd come roaring in and frighten all the enemies away - like last time. And now everything is going to be horrid."

"It is hard, little one," said Aslan," but things never happen the same way twice. It has been hard for us all in Narnia before now."

Lucy buried her head in his mane. But there must have been magic in his mane. She could feel lion-strength going into her. Quite suddenly she sat up," I'm sorry, Aslan," she said." I'm ready now."

"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan," and now all Narnia will be renewed. But come. We have not time to lose."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Sword - Chapter One

Is It Magic?

Victoria, or Vicki as her friends called her, absently shuffled her feet, kicking stray pebbles angrily. She hurried up the gravel drive to the small stone cottage that was her home, near the side of a rather small mountain. Vickie had suffered from a very long day at school, a junior-high in the suburbs of Denver, and she was very glad to see its familiar coziness once again. Ahead of Vickie, her younger brother and sister skipped along, pink and blue backpacks bouncing just below their golden heads. Katie and Kyle were twins and only eight-years old, nearly six years younger than Vicki’s own thirteen. With a sigh, she wished she felt as carefree as they looked. Her young mind echoed with words spoken just hours ago, words that filled her with a strange uneasiness and anxiety, far too heavy for her fragile young shoulders. Vickie felt odd summoned from class by a phone call in the superintendent’s office. The trembling unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line had shaken Vickie to the core of her being. It had been the voice of her mother, strained and brave, but grief-stricken all the same as she said,” Your brother was lost during combat, a week ago, Vic. They believe he’s dead.”

Chad, Vickie’s strong, dependable eighteen-year-old brother, a private in the U.S. Army had left the States just three short weeks ago for Iraq. Who would have thought he would see action so soon or even risk his life? For her mother’s sake Vickie had stood strong, hanging on to the slight chance they had been given, but inside she felt knotted up, like a discarded ribbon after Christmas day. First it had been her parent’s divorce when she was ten. Second, had been the move here to Colorado from Texas her home since birth. Third, the disloyalty of her closest friend at age twelve and now this? Could she survive yet another blow to her fragile hold on life? Who would listen to her, sing his silly songs and laugh with her? Chad had been her only support, the one source of backbone. What was she going to do? Just listening on the phone, Vickie knew her mom was falling apart. Miriam St. John was a strong woman, but some things were just too tough at times. With her husband gone and the dependence of four children left on her hands Miriam had quite a challenge to overcome. There had been times when she seemed to have given up. It was there that Vickie had been the strong one, even more so than Chad, holding her mom up and giving Miriam the will to keep going. Vickie wondered if she could be strong once again, and the doubt mounted as she remembered her mother’s heart-rending cries over the phone.

Shifting her own heavy backpack on her right shoulder, Vickie wearily skipped up the steps behind the twins onto the porch and through the swinging screen door, letting it bang in loud announcement of their arrival.

Miriam, a slight dark-haired woman, with brilliant blue eyes, slowly greeted them in the kitchen, which was only half-cleaned, Vickie noted. Her mother’s blue eyes were not sparkling today, but tired and red-rimmed, her face pale and weary. Katie, ran to give her mother hug and looked up with an immediate question.

“Why are you crying mama?”

Neither of the twins yet knew about their older brother, and Vickie was reminded once more how horrible everything had become. She threw her backpack a little more forcefully then was needed into the lazy chair in the den as she stepped towards Miriam and Katie. Kyle was already past them looking in the fridge for something to eat. But he glanced up at his twin sister’s question.

“Mama’s just sad right now honey,” Miriam replied hoarsely, throwing a glance towards Vickie as she wrapped her arms around the little girl and kissed the top of Katie’s head.

Katie screwed up her nose curiously.

“Did daddy call you again?”

“No, Katie,” Miriam said, closing her eyes briefly as if in pain,” why don’t you and Kyle go do your homework in your room. I need to talk to Vic.”

Katie looked like she might protest for moment, but sliding from her mother’s arms she did as Miriam bid. Kyle grinning sheepishly with apple in one hand and a fruit drink in the other followed her. As soon as they were gone, Vic stepped forward and fell into her mom’s arms, holding her tight.

“He just can’t be gone, Vic.” Miriam sobbed, almost letting Vickie hold her instead of her holding Vickie.

“He’s not mom, they’ll find him,” Vickie answered soothingly, rubbing her mother’s back,” I know they will.”

Though her mother was openly crying, Vickie found no emotion to express what she felt inside and so every word she said came out quite calm, but devoid of any kind of feeling. For several long painful minutes, mother and daughter held one another, until Miriam’s sobs quieted and then pulling back, Miriam framed Vickie’s face studying her eyes.

“You’re not even crying? Still shocked I guess?”

Not knowing what to say, Vickie just nodded as if in agreement.

Dropping her hands and wiping her nose, Miriam took a deep breath,” I’m going to have to call your father now,” she paused, her breath beginning to tremble again.

Vickie nodded reaching to squeeze her hand.

“I think I’ll go for walk, I need to think things through,” she said.

Her mom nodded,” Go ahead,” and then bravely turned towards the phone on the kitchen bar.

Feeling dizzy, Vickie blindly lunged for the front door once more, wanting to run away from the house and her mother’s broken voice. Yet she still heard it as she flew down the steps.

“John, this is Miriam…”

Feeling her heart pounding, she raced around the house, through the backyard and across the narrow mountain stream that trickled past their house. She began to climb up the small mountain. It took her quite a while to reach the huge rock halfway up that overlooked much of the surrounding, suburban countryside. She and her best friend, Daniel Freeman had discovered it one day while exploring the mountain last summer. Daniel, who lived on a huge horse ranch just on the other side of the mountain, was a year older than Vickie. He had been closest friend since the terrible falling out with her former best friend, Samantha.

A bit winded from her climb, Vickie gained the rock and hauled herself up. She was delighted to see the late afternoon sun was still shining warmly down and had not sunk below the mountain range towards the west. It continued to heat up the surface of the boulder.

The turmoil inside did not let her enjoy this long and for at least an hour she sat there struggling with thoughts and feelings that warred against each other like opposing armies. No tears came, only more confusion and anger. She tried to pray, but no words could surface. How could God let such a terrible thing happen?

Vickie knew it was an age old question, but she couldn’t help it popping through her mind.

A noise near the woods to her right broke through this intense mind struggle and she glanced up surprised, realizing it was a footfall.

It was Daniel. She had told him about Chad on the bus earlier.

His blue eyes were full of worry and he quickly walked towards her climbing up on the boulder.

“I came by the house, but your mom said you had gone for walk,” he shrugged,” I knew there was

only one place you would go.”

She nodded,” I really don’t’ feel like talking.”

“That’s all right,” he replied,” I just wanted to be here if you did.”

She sighed and turned away from him to stare at the horizon where the sun was now half sunk below the mountains. The evening chill was settling over the land, creeping under the knitted cardigan she wore over a light school dress. Vickie could feel Daniel staring at her.

Like she had told him she didn’t want to talk. But Vickie also knew that Daniel knew her so well that if he waited long enough the words would start coming out. And they did…despite her efforts to contain them.

“I just don’t believe he’s dead, Danny (Vickie was the only one Daniel allowed to call him that). Nothing like that could ever happen to Chad. He-he’s big, strong. He’s not afraid of anything. How could he have been killed?”

Daniel shook his head,” I don’t know, Vic. Maybe he’s not.”

Vickie twisted her long hair between her fingers in frustration and continued to stare at the sinking sun.

“I’m afraid, Danny and I don’t know why.” She shuddered, biting her lip.

Daniel reached over and gently touched her shoulder,” You don’t have to be you know?”

She turned to look at him, wishing he didn’t have to be so kind. She almost felt like crying for no other reason than that.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be, but I just feel so helpless, Danny. I wish I could do something.”

He sighed and dropped his hand and looked away, the fading sun’s rays shining across his ruddy face.

“ I can’t try to understand, Vickie. But I want to,” he returned his eyes to hers,” Chad was like my brother too.”

Silence fell and neither said another word for several long minutes. Vickie finally stood to her feet, hugging her arms to herself, suddenly very chilled. The sun was now below the mountains, casting deep purple shadows over the countryside

“I’d better go back now,” she said quietly and turned to hop off the boulder.

Daniel followed,” I’ll walk you home,” he said, almost gruffly trudging ahead of her.

She glanced at Daniel’s face, but it was turned away towards the woods, as he pretended to look up into the trees overhead. He was crying. She knew this, but didn’t say a word. He was too kind for her to embarrass him.

They were halfway down the mountain when Daniel suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Vickie to come to an abrupt halt beside him. She glanced about in surprise.

” What is it?” Vickie asked.

Daniel grabbed her arm and shoved her behind him.


“Hush!” he whispered in a strained unnatural voice. He gestured towards something directly in front of them. That immediately silenced her. Vickie peeked over his tense shoulder, but saw nothing, only dusky evening shadows amongst the undergrowth. She started too giggle, thinking it was one of his jokes, but was again silenced when Daniel started walking backwards, into her.

His voice was still low as he said,” Back away, Vic, slowly.”

Still half-sure it was a prank Vickie slowly turned deciding to play along. Daniel continued walking backwards, pushing her behind him. She threw several glances towards the undergrowth, but still saw nothing.

“Danny what is it?” she asked in a low voice when he again shoved them both behind a tree, peeking around towards the direction they had come.

“A huge mountain lion,” he said his blue eyes big…honestly big.

“Danny, they’re only way up in the mountains,” she said,” are you sure?”

He was still peeking around the tree. He didn’t reply but suddenly jerked around and grabbed her pushing Vickie in front of him.

“Run Vic!” he shouted, his voice laced with fear.

Now frightened she did, heart racing as her legs pumped under her. This was not fast enough for Danny, who was frantically pushing her from behind as he shouted for her to run faster.. Pine and spruce branches slapped their faces. Roots and dead branches littered across the mountainside threatened to trip them with every step. With terrific suddenness they found themselves tumbling into ice cold water and tripping onto their backsides. Unknowingly they had stumbled across a mountain stream. Still shouting in panic, Daniel scrambled to his feet, pulling Vickie with him and staggered farther into the stream. The stream was only a couple yards wide and several inches deep. Then he whipped around, facing the stream bank and woods. Vickie, pushing hair from her eyes did likewise and her heart, as the old saying goes, leaped into her throat. A huge tawny form emerged from the trees, golden eyes glowing even in the dim evening light. Vickie grabbed Daniel’s arm and gasped. Not even pictures she’d seen in hunter’s magazines could match this gigantic beast that stood before them, his deep purring vibrating across the air towards their ears. If she’d lived in Africa she might have said he was lion, but that would have sounded too absurd. She lived in Denver, Colorado...for crying out loud!

He growled, low and fiercely. Vickie shuddered…they were about to die!

Daniel’s arm tensed under her hand and he stepped backwards farther into the river, pulling her with him. She felt the current tug at her dress. This wasn’t just any little mountain stream. Glancing down into the water she saw something glowing near her feet.

Vickie felt something akin to horror grip her heart. But she didn’t have a chance to wonder as Daniel shouted in terror.

“No! Get back!”

Glancing back towards the bank she saw the huge lion was crouching to spring, his eyes fixed on them both. She thought cats hated water, but seeing the intensity in the animal’s eyes, Vickie knew without a doubt he intended to attack them both.

She screamed, voice echoing through the woods and then Vickie lost her balance as something knocked her feet from under her. She lost her hold on Daniel’s arm. Her head went under the water and strangely it seemed to deepen, covering Vickie like a deep rushing river. She felt her body twisted around as if the waters had suddenly stirred up some sort of hurricane. Vickie felt herself being plunged forward even while she frantically tried to swim towards the surface. Her lungs began bursting for air as her eyes flew open revealing a shocking realization. The water around, a clear cerulean blue, was not moving but was as still as a frozen pond of ice. Yet she was moving at tremendous speed, spinning wildly. Everything surrounding Vickie remained stationary…no ripples, nothing. Glancing down she saw there was no riverbed either, nor could she see the reflection of the trees above; just transparent water, glowing blue. It was eerily unreal and strange, unsettling her stomach with every lurch of her body. This was not a mountain stream.

Had she already died?

Vickie had always thought of herself as a brave girl; not even the mountain lion or whatever that creature was, had frightened her bad as this water thing did. Without thinking she opened her mouth to scream. To late…Vickie lost her air and water rushed into her mouth. Realizing she was about to die if she hadn’t already, Vickie waved her arms frantically still trying to find the surface. Blue light flashed through her head and than she was falling. Everything disappeared in another flash of blue light. The last thing she thought before loosing consciousness was what had happened to Danny?

Daniel had tripped as well, when Vickie’s foot clipped his own. But he saw nothing of the strange sight she had. Everything went wild, the stream, the woods, Vickie floundering beside him and the mountain lion leaping towards them, its fangs bared. He landed hard on a sandy riverbed, the water barely even deep enough to submerge his face, and his head hit a rock. He immediately saw stars, not just as an expression, but he did indeed see a gigantic midnight sky full of twinkling stars, yet there was no moon. This he realized in the split second the scene flashed before his eyes and then everything faded into only black. For several more seconds he still felt the cold water soaking his clothes and heard the frighteningly near purring of the great cat and then he knew no more…


Slowly Daniel began to wake, groggily like someone after a drunken stupor. His head throbbed with pain and he groaned rolling off his stomach and onto his back. He did not realize until several minutes later that he was lying on something like stony gravel. Bewildered, wondering why he wasn’t in the stream, Daniel painfully opened his eyes. Both hands immediately shot to his head as a spasm hit him through the forehead. Breathing hard Daniel just stared above him puzzled and confused, a chill washing through his gut, even as a strange sense of familiarity settled in his aching mind. A dark sky swam dizzily above him, stars twinkling just as he had seen it as he fell in the stream. What was it…ages ago perhaps?

He moaned again, trying to sit up but only attacked by wave of dizziness which laid him out, back on the pebbly sand and his closed eyes again…wearily. What had happened? Where was the big cat? Where was Vickie?

His eyes flew open and, as quickly as his groggy head could handle it, he twisted his gaze towards the right and left ,looking around. What he saw took his breath away. Towards his left a gigantic river flowed, silently under the starry sky, just on the other side he could make out a dark line of trees…not the same woods he had been in before. Towards his right towering sheer cliffs rose, bare and ugly and they were not familiar Colorado cliffs. He saw neither the mountain lion nor Vickie; a fact that frightened him more than any of the unfamiliar surroundings or moonless sky.

“Vickie!” he shouted, almost crying.

Where was he? Had the river swept him miles away? But no…that had only been a tiny stream, several inches deep. Besides that he had never seen the stream before in his life. And he had lived every one of his fourteen years just half a mile away on the other side of the mountain; a mountain which he did not see. Ignoring the pain now as he panicked, Daniel lurched to his knees. He knelt for second, trying to keep his eyesight focused, even while his mind whirled. He staggered to his feet, nearly falling.

Daniel managed several yards away from the river and towards the cliff’s before he stopped. What was he doing? He had no idea where he was, why he was here or where he was going? He didn’t even know if he still was Daniel Freeman…was he dead or alive? Unable to bear the powerful thoughts assaulting him, he sank back to his knees and began to cry. And you must pardon him for you might have done the same. He was lost, bewildered and not even sure he was alive. Even the bravest of men might have felt like crying at this moment and Daniel was only a young boy.

Unexpectedly, through his sobbing he heard a deep voice speaking his name.


Glancing up through blurred eyes he found himself staring at an unfamiliar man. He could have stepped right out of Daniel’s medieval history book. His clothing was dark blues and grays, and his bearded face, though blurry through Daniel’s tears, was strong and stern. He might have been a young man or an old man.

Daniel continued to stare in absolute puzzlement as this stranger stepped across the rocky river bank towards him. Even in the dark light Daniel could see him clearly. His right hand was resting on a sword strapped by a leather belt to his waist.

But Daniel was not at all frightened...for the man knew his name. The boy hurriedly wiped away his tears and tried to rise, but the man stopped him as he knelt on one knee before Daniel and peered down kindly into his face. Daniel started, because the man’s eyes were the deepest, clearest blue he had ever seen. They comforted and frightened him all at once, stirring strange things inside, Daniel didn’t know he had.

“Why are you crying, Daniel?”

Daniel felt his face flush red in embarrassment. The man shook his head, his dark wavy hair, brushing his broad shoulders.

“It’s okay.”

Daniel took a deep shuddering breath and then the words came out like a flood,

” How do you know my name? Who are you? Why am I here?”

The man laughed and clapped a hand down heartily on Daniel’s shoulder. The deep laugh shook something down inside Daniel that despite his confusion and despair, made him smile, though he didn’t know why. Then the man sobered, looking down intently into Daniel’s face, causing him to squirm. It felt like the man was looking straight into his soul, like he knew everything Daniel had ever done or thought.

“You are here because I called you here. I have great need of you Daniel.”

Daniel’s head began to swim again at these words.

“It was the mountain stream wasn’t it? That’s how I got here?”

The man’s blue eyes twinkled,” There are many ways, but yes you came when you fell in the stream.”

Daniel shook his head,” That’s doesn’t make any sense.”

The man chuckled, it didn’t take a lot to get this man tickled,” No it doesn’t, but it’s not supposed to.”

Daniel stared at him questioningly and the man tightened his hold on Daniel’s arm.

“You have great heart, Daniel, great courage and a wonderful boldness.”

Daniel felt his face flush a little bit at the man’s straightforward talk.

“But to complete the purpose I have called you for, you must also have great faith, faith in me. Soon you must believe, though you cannot see.”

He stopped at these words when he saw the confusion in Daniel’s young eyes.

“This is not the United States, Daniel. This is Elder-earth and like your own world there is evil here, evil that hates, evil that wants to destroy, and evil that wants power. I’ve called you here to help defeat it. Will you?”

Daniel was having a difficult time taking in everything this man said at once.

“If I don’t what will happen?”

A smile creased the corners of the man’s burning blue eyes.

“I could send you back, if you wanted, but…” and here he gently touched Daniel’s chest, right above his heart. A searing heat hit Daniel, flooding him with a feeling so raw and aching it left him gasping…powerful love and longing seemed to sweep over him in waves, causing Daniel to yearn to do anything this man asked.

“But you were born for this, Daniel, only you can fulfill this purpose. It’s your choice.”

The man removed his hand and the heat receded, leaving in its wake a pulsating warmth…the love remaining.

“It would deeply grieve me for you to refuse,” the man’s eyes saddened, making Daniel want to cry,” but it still is your choice.”

Daniel hesitated. He would do anything for this man, there was just something about him that drew Daniel, something that whispered to him that this was indeed the purpose for which he was born. His former life, seemed to fade with every passing moment he sat within this man’s presence. But one question nagged at him.

“ Do you know where Vickie is? She fell in the stream too, you know?”

It was a crazy question...of course the man knew.

The man’s eyes twinkled merrily again and he rose to his feet.

“She is here and you will meet again, but for now her part in this story I’m writing is her own. Do not worry about her.”

Daniel straightened his shoulders, the decision made now. If Vickie was here he could never ask to be sent back.

“I will stay. What do you want me to do?”

Not at all surprised, the man motioned him to his feet and then bent down to whisper in Daniel’s ear. When he finished, Daniel looked up at him in surprise and even a little disappointment.

“That’s all?”

The man frowned, and shook his head,” It is bigger than you think, my son. Remember I’m asking for your faith?”

Daniel ducked his head, abashed.

“Yes, sir. I will do as you say.”

“Good, now I must say goodbye,” he turned to go.

“Wait!” Daniel called,” Will I see you again?”

The man’s eyes twinkled, almost disturbingly so,” Why of course, I’m always with you, even when you don’t see me.”

Daniel frowned, wondering how that could be, but he had one more question.

“What’s your name?”

The man smiled,” Darien,” and then he turned and began walking away, his voice carrying back one last command,” Look to your clothes.”

Daniel glanced down and gasped. His khaki shorts, white t-shirt and sneakers were gone, replaced by brown leggings, a leather shirt, belted at the waist and knee-high boots. He felt a weight hanging from shoulders and discovered a dark grey cloak. To his delight he saw a silver dagger lying at his feet and he scooped it up, tucking it in his belt. Daniel’s eyes shot back towards the riverbank to thank Darien. Shock rippled through him. The knight was gone!

- This is story I started many years ago, it's an allegory of many sorts, a fantasy, a coming of age tale, a love story, and epic. There are so many characters, so many different people, countries, worlds and histories. But mostly it centers around one family, the sons and daughter of a dead king who's kingdom was destroyed long ago. And now with the help of many others, including children from another world, they are unknowingly preparing to wage war against the evil that took away their father's kingdom. -